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Sunday, Aug. 09, 2020 - 21:15

Here are some of the bad things going on: my apartment is a mess because I am messy; I have no self-discipline; I got a honkin cold sore last week for the first time in 8 years or so; I keep thinking I'm coming down with the coronavirus; I'm a big tub-tub; my apartment is way too small to be working from but I can't afford anything else; I can afford more but I'm too intimidated to try; I'm not doing very good on my project at work and I basically have no idea what's going on; the senior dev gave me some spreadsheets on Friday with fields that need to be created and it turns out I can't even figure that out; one of my tomato plants just up and died; I realized last week while I was home that my dad just really isn't doing very well, even though he's doing okay; eventually, all dogs die.

And here's some of the good things: I sent a message to that senior dev asking her what was going on, which makes me feel 1000% better, just asking her; my dog is fine and I am lucky to get to spend all this time with him and in fact this has always been my dream, hasn't it?; I never run in July or August, even in non-pandemic times, and I'll start running again in a few weeks and I'll be fine; my garden is really nice and it's looking like I might have a bunch of spaghetti squashes!

Perry Mason books are actually not bad at all - okay, they are quite good - but I still think it's a great idea to rewrite them switching the genders. Because it's just so hilarious, all these women running around, driving all the cars and being all the cops and businesspeople - but it's not even noticeable when it's all men doing those things.

Basically, I was feeling really horrible about everything but now that I've asked for help with those fields I feel better about everything.

My dog would like to remind everyone to drink more water.

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