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Friday, Nov. 30, 2018 - 13:42

Now again I’m thinking I might be able to get my student loans forgiven - I looked into it last year but they said you apply now and then 10 years from now they’ll forgive your loans and in 10 years my loans will be pretty much paid off so that’s worthless. But now I’m thinking maybe the 10 years started 10 years ago, and - it’s been 10 years, so let’s see. I’ll apply at least and see what happens.

I am on antibiotics now for my eyelids. I’ll be getting Lasik in January and the doctor wants me to get my uncomfortable eye issue (aka dry eye) resolved before then. This antibiotic is an anti-inflammatory that can unclog the oil glands in your eyelids. I started it Tuesday night and it kind of seems to be working.

You know how when you’re on antibiotics it can make your poop smell like packing tape? You know? You know what I’m saying?

Anyway, I noticed last night at yoga when my yoga instructor gave us sweet orange essential oil - I can’t smell anything right now.

I can’t smell anything right now because my cold has come back, exactly like it was the first time - sore throat, and now extreme head congestion.

The Lasik doctor wanted me to “prime my gut” with probiotics for three days before starting the antibiotic - so, probiotics Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, then start the antibiotic Thursday.

The sore throat started Tuesday night. On the off chance that this is bacterial (and I know it likely isn’t), and on the off chance that this antibiotic would be effective against whatever theoretically would be causing this return of the cold (and it probably wouldn’t be), I decided to start taking the antibiotic Tuesday night.

But it didn’t do anything because here I am now with an extremely stuffy head, but at least it’ll treat my syphilis, if I come down with that right now.

Would you believe that my phone doesn’t know how to spell ‘syphilis’? I had to look it up! It only has one L!

I don’t have syphilis, I’m just joking because that’s one of the conditions this antibiotic treats.

I need to sign up for some races today before the prices increase tonight. Did I tell you about the Thanksgiving Day race I did? I ran it so fast I nearly puked afterwards. But also I had to wear my glasses so that could have been the reason I felt like puking. But it was a pretty fast race for me.

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