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Friday, Jan. 07, 2022 - 07:56

My resolution for this year is to "take better care of myself" and I thought it would be directed at my physical self, but I'm realizing that I need to involve my spirit as well. I can't go on reddit every night and look at videos of people doing shitty things - here's someone punching a stranger in a grocery store, how outrageous! here's an awful hypocritical tweet from some politician! here's someone in a car not obeying traffic laws and causing a wreck! You watch that crap too much and the only conclusion you can come to is that everything and everyone is awful. Even those Dodo dog rescue videos - here's this poor skeletal dog moments from death, wagging its tail and being a goddamn heartbreaking sweetheart, and anyone who would put an animal into a state like that deserves whatever barbaric thing I post in the comment section!

The internet isn't good and I can't do it anymore. I know that it's the most outrageous and offensive stuff that is most visible online - I know this and I don't look at that terrible shit because I absolutely already know this, but somehow I still manage to look at this shit, and it's too terrible. I don't want to have to think that everyone is awful - most people aren't awful at all. I don't want to participate in any of this stupid shit anymore. Internet 2.0 (or whatever version we're on now) sucks! Diaryland is still the best place around.

Okay, I feel better, thanks.

I've been going to the gym and it's getting easier. I went last night and can totally walk perfectly normally today.

We've been getting lots and lots of snow, with highs in the teens, but suddenly today it's warming up and now it's raining. Yesterday my hot water heater exhaust was blocked by snow (it's tankless, gas powered) so I had no hot water. I thought I'd have to go up on the roof and do scary things, but I was able to get it running again by magically doing nothing and waiting a while. Victory!

Now in the evenings, instead of looking at shitty things online, I'm watching Hillary Clinton's MasterClass on resilience. Some of it is completely irrelevant - I will never run for president and have days starting at 5:48 a.m. and ending at 12:45 a.m. - but it's still nice to listen to an accomplished person talking about doing stuff, being organized and being prepared.

My dog will be happy it's warming up today, but the only thing he hates more than the cold is rain, so that's gonna break his poor little doggy heart.

Starting half marathon training this weekend. Looking forward to being in better shape for this.

Made a loaf of sourdough last night and it was a colossal failure, but the toast is good. I'll try again this weekend.

Work schmork but I figured something out today on my own so that's cool. (Later edit: no, I didn't figure it out, never mind.)

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