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Saturday, Aug. 27, 2011 - 11:25

Ha. Ha. I just read what I wrote last - it was just over a week ago. Things have changed and I hardly know what to write. I haven't been writing about it at all, actually, not even on paper. And I have no internet at home so no internet writing.

I will start off with the easiest thing to write about: the bike ride last Saturday. It was amazing! I'm so glad we did it and I'm so glad we did the whole thing without weenying out and getting a ride up the hill. It was long and hard and it's so incredible to be able to push yourself to accomplish something like that. Near the end it was hot and we were tired but I told my friend that we're endurance athletes and this is what we do. She said yes, and you get to where you don't have anything anymore and you just keep going.

I will say that I am proud of us and I am proud that over the last five years in this town I have become an endurance athlete and can say that semi-seriously.


Okay. I can't really be clear with you about this, but it's what I was writing about here and ... so... well... remember that thing I read that said the journey I started in 2003 would end in 2011? Well, the first thing I wrote after that journey started in 2003 was this.

Okay. Last Friday I went to a coffee shop to use the internet and to eat some food. I sat down at a little table to eat. A person in one of the booths was getting ready to leave and I was going to take his booth. I glanced enough to see that he was packing up, and then I glanced again and saw that I knew him.

In a way I was prepared because I'd seen him at the store and I knew he was in town. But I wasn't going to approach him - the way things ended with us (or "ended", rather), I never wanted to talk to him again. I wondered what he'd do, if he'd walk by and pretend he didn't recognize me. I didn't know if I was happy, I didn't know what I wanted to happen, I didn't know what to expect. I was nervous, I was shaking. But he did come up to me and .

I can't tell you how weird it is, except it's not weird, it's completely natural. It was unexpected. And to meet someone through a very specific set of events, and then eight years later find yourselves on the other side of the world in the same coffee shop at the same time - half a world away, well.

Eight years after we met, seven years after the last time we saw each other. Our last contact was a phone conversation four and a half years ago.

And, oh yeah, I have a class starting on Monday. Fuuuuuuuuck.

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