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An entry about tea, shopping, books, and money.
Friday, Jan. 07, 2005 - 18:16

Today, being my last day of weekday irresponsibleness, I went to Issaquah to meet a friend to eat, shop, and talk. Issaquah, Violet, is a town to the east of Seattle, and is the home of Modest Mouse.

We went to Costco, had soup, and talked about her in-laws. She was excited about my new job and the clothes I will have to buy. She should be a personal assistant or something, she likes to set people up, you know?

After that I went into the city and went shopping. I got a fleece and a shirt and they were both very on sale and the girl behind the counter said, "Good prices today."

Then I went to The Perennial Tea Room, a very nice tea shop, and I bought some tea to mail to some friends. They had a book there called Darjeeling and it made me think of Linguafranca, maybe she'd be interested in the book, or maybe not because unfortunately the synopsis on the back cover was really retarded. Maybe because it's a retarded book, or maybe because it was a retarded synopsis writer. It is a novel about tea and a love triangle.

Regarding tea: I am drinking some stuff right now that's really good, Raspberry Mocha or something, it sounds terrible but it's really good.

Regarding books: I am nearly done with Great Expectations. After that I will read a book about women and Islam that my friend accidentally stole from the library and then loaned to me. After that I will read a book about people and their journals. And then after that I'll decide on a book to read for our next Book Club book. This might not happen until 2006, so don't hold your breath. I know you're going to anyway, but I had to say that for liability reasons.

Unless you want to read the book about women and Islam too? Or the one about people and their journals? Both are probably going to be interesting, I just wanted the next Book Club book to be something wild and exciting and whorish.

Also, it's that time of the year when I have to decide whether to renew my SuperGold subscription, go back to PlainOldGold, or drop down to CommonAsshole level.

Reasons for keeping SuperGold: 1. It's super.
Reasons for not keeping SuperGold: 1. I only get spammed at the email account so why bother, 2. I don't care about banners because whenever I put up any banners I get scared of the people who come to my diary and say things to me and so I never respond to them which is dumb, and 3. my comments have only been exciting twice, here and here, and even that doesn't really make it worth it.

I've been feeling so poor lately and I was starting to mope: poor me, I have no money and I'm so dumb and unemployable, maybe I'll get a job at McDonald's. But then I got a job at a law firm so I decided to go buy some CDs to pretend I wasn't poor. Also I went shopping today, as I told you earlier. So, the point of all this is that I'll probably get SuperGold again just because I want to pretend that I'm not out of money, and also because maybe this year someone will post a picture of um gee I can't even think of someone I'd want to see a picture of. Um, maybe someone will post a picture of... oh, of course, how could I forget about him? Peter Sarsgaard from the movie Boys Don't Cry. Yeah he was a psycho but DAMN.

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