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TV vs. newspapers, clash of the titans
Wensday, September 4, 2002 - 12:45

Thursdays are my laundry days. It's supposed to rain tomorrow. That means I won't be able to hang my clothes out to dry. That means I'll have to pay a freakin quarter to dry them! What a rip!

In other news, killer bees have arrived in my city! The local paper has a headline announcing the "invasion", with a smaller headline (I used to do newspaper stuff; I should remember the names for these things) saying that county officials are urging us to remain calm. The headline was so funny (i.e. sensational) that I had to buy a paper. (There are paper vending machines [is there a different name for them?] buy the laundry room and mailboxes in our apartment complex, so I always look at the frontpage stories when I walk by.)

I've been trying to talk Mr. Pooh into getting the cable turned off and subscribing to the paper. I have many reasons for wanting to do this:

1. We don't watch TV much, so we wouldn't really miss it.
2. Mr. Pooh only watches the news, which he could get from a newspaper in a much less annoying format.
3. I FUCKING HATE CNN and all those GODDAMN TICKERS!!! It gives me a headache. It's Mr. Pooh's favorite channel.
4. I only watch MTV, VH1, Animal Planet, HGTV, and Comedy Central. I usually flip between all of those channels aimlessly, hoping that something interesting will be on one of them.
5. I would watch PBS, but it sucks here.
6. Like I said, I used to do newspaper stuff, so I'm a tad sentimental when it comes to that medium. I don't want newspapers to go out of business.
7. TV and internet news is usually more concerned with being the first to report something rather than checking facts. Consequently, they report rumors and speculation, and it's annoying and stupid.
8. For all these reasons, TV is making me stupider and stupider.
9. Etc.

There's only one reason I'd want to keep TV:

1. What if Pearl Jam does Saturday Night Live after their as-yet-untitled album is released November 12, 2002? Or what if they play it before that date, perhaps after the first single, I Am Mine, is released October 8, 2002? What if?!?

I also wondered if our cable modem wouldn't work if we canceled the cable, but apparently it does, so there goes that argument. So please, Mr. Pooh, cancel the damn cable!

Also, today I decided that I want to live in my old college town next summer. It will be my home base for my World Tour, which will probably be on its U.S. leg by then, or maybe it will be over. I'm not sure yet. But as soon as my band announces what it's going to do, I'm going to announce what I'm going to do.

Can I finish my thesis this quarter? It would be nice to be able to move back in the spring rather than waiting till summer, because spring is so nice. But whatever.

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