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Monday, Apr. 16, 2018 - 12:13

At this point I'm sure this is grounds for committal, and I know you're sick of constantly hearing about this, but after a few days of suspecting something egregiously untoward - likely ovarian cancer, unfortunately - I was surprised last night to discover that my period had started. Again. On time. I'm not kidding. I just thought I had another week or two. Since I'm not keeping track of my running the way I always have, and because I log my "cycles" in the same spreadsheet I use to log my running, I just haven't been keeping track of anything. They should make packs of non-birth control pills for people like me so we'll know when it's getting close. I don't know how anyone is supposed to keep up on this.

It was a pretty good weekend but last night around 11:00 I started to type an entry here saying that Sunday needs to have an extra hour in it, but I couldn't finish that entry because I had to clear the laundry off my bed so that I could get into it. Which I did, and I slept very well and woke up at 6:30 this morning to the rain pounding on the roof. I got soaked on my ride to work.

I rolled my ankle in the race on Saturday morning, not a bad one, I've done it much worse plenty of times - it was such a non-issue that I couldn't even remember which ankle I'd rolled. Everything was 100% fine. I went to a movie later that day and as soon as the movie started my ankle started hurting really really REALLY bad. It didn't matter what I did or how I turned my foot or anything, it was just constantly, excruciatingly painful. I put my foot up on my other knee and put pressure on where it hurt, but that didn't help. It hurt so bad I didn't know if I'd be able to walk out of the theater afterwards. But I did, and I made it out to my bike, and I thought riding would be better but it was not. It had turned into a beautiful evening and the sun was out, but luckily no one was out on the trail enjoying the nice weather, because I was audibly groaning and moaning the whole way because it hurt so bad. Made it home, limped to my door, the puppy's roommate came out and asked me what was wrong, I started crying and couldn't answer, he got concerned and asked if I'd gotten in a bike wreck, I started bawling, etc. I got my shoe off and he looked at my ankle, which was all swollen, checked my calf and foot, got me calmed down, said it was sprained and told me to go lie down and ice and elevate it, etc., which I did. After a few hours I still couldn't walk on it but managed to take the dog for his nightly constitutional by putting on my ASO brace strapped as tight as I could get it and using that leg as a stump. Went to bed, woke up on Sunday, and it was magically better. Still sore and swollen, but at least I can walk on it. Fun! I have a 10-mile trail race this coming weekend, and the weekend after that another big race, and I have to sign up for the 50 tomorrow in order to get the swag. The dog and I were going to go for an awesome hike on Sunday but couldn't. I hadn't told him about it so he didn't know what he was missing out on, but he would have loved it.

I get weird dumb email spam at work, oftentimes inviting me to submit abstracts to some fake dumb conference. This morning I had one for an international conference on "newfangled methods" in a particular field. Ha ha ha. I don't know why this kind of spam is even a thing but I think I'd enjoy being the spammer who sends this shit out. I wonder if they ever get any submissions. And if they do, what then? I think I’d go so far as to hold the fake conference for the idiots who submit, because why not? Then maybe I’d rob them and that’s how I’d make my living.

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