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March 20, 43 degrees
Monday, Mar. 20, 2017 - 23:07

I drove home for the weekend on Friday night and when I checked diaryland after the 3-hour drive, everyone had updated! It was like the '90s all over again! And then tonight - I am doing a bad job with the Daylight Savings Time - I didn't have my dinner ready until 10:05 - when I checked the diaryland, everyone had updated again! Even ANDREW! WHATTTTT!!!!!!

Since we're doing this flashback to the '90s (I know diaryland was actually only around for the last few months of the '90s but humor me here), did anyone else think that the parsing of benicetobears.com was like benice-to-bears and 'benice' was some confusing word that rhymed with 'Venice'? Anyone? Maybe? And the last part of it could have been 'tobears' which was some confusing word that was pronounced something like 'toe-beers'? Anyone? Goddamn it took me a long time to realize that 'be nice' was even a possibility.

So things around here have been a whirlwind, downs and ups and downs and ups. Life can be so fucking stressful sometimes. I've been praying to God and the Fates and I'm sure they're close to cutting me off, or maybe they've already cut me off, as I've probably maxed out my supply of luck for the season. (I'm not sure how frequently your store of luck resets, whether it's seasonally or monthly or annually.) (Maybe it's daily!) You know why humans invented religion? Because sometimes you just can't fucking deal and it's a relief to put it on someone else's shoulders for a while.

But overall things are good, heartbreakingly good. We'll see.

I'm driving to work tomorrow so I should wear a skirt. (I've been riding my bike for the last week!) I don't have the springtime skirt-wearing thing figured out yet, but it's still cold enough that tall boots and tights won't be unseemly.

While we're on the subject of the internet (which we were a few paragraphs ago), the internet used to be way better before "social media", back when people had "blogs" or diaryland diaries, back when people wrote way more words than they do now. That's why I like Dan Rather's facebook - it's like a blog, but on the facebook. I think the internet the way it is now is one of the main reasons why shit's so awful right now.


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