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All about me, I am a baby
Thursday, Oct. 01, 2015 - 17:22

Made it through the first night of an empty house. It was fine. Did laundry, watered the lawn, swept the laundry room, didn't clean up at all upstairs, didn't go to bed early. The things I didn't accomplish will be accomplished soon enough. I feel okay, although typing these words makes me feel all Eeyore. Added to that are the big black clouds floating above us, threatening rain. It's very eerily warm, aphids flying all around.

There's a ladybug invasion going on! And ladybugs eat aphids! I've taken six or seven ladybugs outside, and I've heard of other people having, like, 20 ladybugs in their rooms. Ladybugs, aphids, have at it.

Oh I'm so miserable, and so unnecessarily. Things are fine, I'm fine, it will be okay. I'll go to yoga tonight and then get a burrito afterwards, and then go home and watch netflix and cry. AND THEN STARTING TOMORROW I will perk the fuck up and enjoy having the place to myself. I will get so much done in the next few weeks! I'll dig up that corner flowerbed, and I'll get all the crap off my kitchen counters so I can use the counters for kitcheny things like making food, and I'll put all the shit I want to donate into boxes. Etc. I will be one productive son of a gun, goddamn. Wahhhhhhhh.

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