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Saturday, September 26
Saturday, Sept. 26, 2015 - 12:20

Oh, I wrote an entry yesterday but forgot to post it. Nothing all that exciting, except... I posted a post on the yikyak that got famous! I am very pleased with myself. The post was about bugs.

The puppy and his roommate are leaving on Saturday Sunday now. I feel much better about that and I'm sure they do as well. It would have been pretty terrible if they'd left earlier in the week. Leaving tomorrow means they'll be better packed, the puppy's roommate will have had a chance to finish all the work on his trucks that he needed to do, and also his family crisis, while still happening, is less of a crisis and more of the ongoing tragedy that it's been for the last year and a half. Which is still sad, but better.

BREAKING NEWS. I got a new pair of jeans and the puppy LOVES them. He can't stop sniffing them and wagging his tail at 299 bpm. The last couple nights he's been very needy and cuddly and keeps trying to hold hands with me. His roommate thinks it's because I've been making him shake and giving him treats but I think it's just because he likes me. Next I want him to learn how to roll over.

Other things about the puppy:
- I packed a bag full of treats for him to take on the trip.
- He spends a lot of time hunting squirrels but he is terrible at it.
- He split one of his dewclaws climbing trees.
- I took him swimming last night and it was the only fun thing he's gotten to do ALL WEEK.

In other news, a woodpecker was pecking at our brick chimney this morning. What an idiot.

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