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girl problems
Monday, Dec. 05, 2011 - 21:21

Goll durn 28-day menstrual cycle! Gah. Drr. Blgg. Ever since August, 28-days cycles like clockwork. Obviously it's from hanging out with this boy so much. It happened like this when we knew each other before, too.

My left boob has been itching lately and I happened to see it in the mirror last night and there are two little bruises where it's itchy. So I did some poking around and have determined that I likely have inflammatory breast cancer and am going to die.

Really, it scared the crap out of me, and I did feel a lump. It turned out to be unremarkable, but I will keep an eye on it. I'm acutely aware of my boob now. It could burst into flames right now and I wouldn't be surprised.

My little alley house is up for rent again! Shit I loved that place, even though it was freezing and the utilities were too high. But the flower beds! And that neighborhood, the creek, the hills! Ahh I'd love that.

My current landlords, who are the sweetest people in the world, are finally advertising the downstairs apartment, so my days of having my own house and yard will soon end. It's served its purpose, has been lovely, things would have been impossible otherwise.

I imagine, of course, officially sharing a place with long-lost what's-his-face, although I wouldn't do that unless he decided to stop drinking and get help, and I don't think he's close to that yet. I wish he were, I do pray every time I wake up in the morning or in the middle of the night - I don't know what else I can do. I am pretty well used to my daydreams never coming true, so I won't be surprised when this one doesn't either.

Might go to California in a couple months. That would be nice, wouldn't it.

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