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Saturday, Nov. 19, 2011 - 18:36

Stayed in bed until noon today, for no reason at all, really, other than that I could. I woke up at 8, got up at 9, got back into bed to listen to the radio and play with my phone. It was cold and windy and snowy and I did not go running at 8 (obviously). Stayed out till midnight last night - it was fine, but I thought downtown would be a ghost town due to the blizzard and it was not.

Have not taken a nap today.

Got into the eaves this afternoon - something I'd been dreading, imagining it being overrun with mice or skeletons, but it was not. (I knew there were no skeletons - I just put my boxes in there a couple months ago, but that's easy to forget.) Got out some Christmas stuff, put up lights. Will get another string of lights out momentarily to put on my staircase.

Making soup, not sure how it will turn out or when it will be ready. Potato, turnip, celery, carrot, onion, garlic, cayenne, chicken stock, will add some sausage, I think, because I have some sausage. Never in my life had I bought sausage (ground) but a few days ago I decided I wanted spaghetti with spaghetti sauce and sausage. Normally I don't have sauce with spaghetti, and if I ever do I don't have sausage with the sauce, so for the first time ever I bought some ground sausage and I have some left over.

Thought I'd go see if they have The Conversation at the video store but I don't feel like going outside again. I'll save that for later - will watch the Pearl Jam DVDs I just got instead. Eat soup. Go to bed.

Ordered some Christmas presents for my sisters today - a record! It's not even Thanksgiving yet! Very holiday-minded this year, it seems.

Do have some birthday presents to get for people, very late. Also, I was invited to someone's birthday party and I'd only ever met the guy at the birthday party of a mutual friend. Thought it was a joke or something at first - had to think very hard about how I knew this person. Anyway, it was nice to be invited and I do believe I'll go.

This morning I imagined all of America tucked into their houses watching TV under blankets, waiting out the winter, but I know that's not true - in other places it's quite nice out.

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