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Thursday, Oct. 20, 2011 - 10:31

Got a haircut - this lady is so nice and although it may sound like a cliche to say, she really does understand my hair. I cut my hair myself starting when I was in 6th grade - went to a couple places over the years but was never happy with it - and then a few years ago went to her and she gave me a little layering and it was the most amazing haircut ever. My hair could have been in magazines, it could have been in the movies, and I didn't even have to try (which is good, because I don't know how to try). Lessons: long, with long layers. Otherwise it turns into a giant blob of shit.

Took my car to the shop and I'm not chagrined anymore - they are also nice and they are not interested in ripping me off. I'm getting the 90,000 mile service but did get a tune-up (and new front rotors, which I'd forgotten - I am a moron) 3,000 miles ago, in March. So hopefully, unless they find something terrible (and they might - why is my g.d. check engine light on again?) it won't cost me an arm and a leg.

My ankle (which is not the problem - my knee and hip are the problem, I found out at PT on Tuesday, did I tell you?) was hurting as I walked to work from the shop this morning. And, as I was in my old neighborhood near the scene of the bone snap, I was thinking about the day it broke and that made it hurt even more and I started limping. Need to remember: my ankle is fine, it's mostly an illusion.

Verizon hasn't sent me my $100 text message for my fancy phone yet. I've gone in three times now. I will get it, I'm not worried, but I wonder why they waste everyone's time (mine and their own employees').

Am all into Buddhism now. Obviously need to study more, but I feel like much of it I already know intuitively, though I do need the reminders, and it's comforting to hear it from outside my own head.

I'm so sleepy lately. And I did have a dream this morning, although I can't remember it. Think I might go home next weekend - think I might need that.

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