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Tuesday, Sept. 13, 2011 - 11:00

It's my office hours and it would behoove me to be working on the class right now but I'm not. I could be responding to emails but I'm not. I could be doing whatever but I'm not. Instead I'm trying to watch Roy Orbison videos on the youtube and cursing the slow internet. I'm trying to update my online run and bike logs for the past month but I've forgotten too many of my workouts to do that.

I've been having too much splendor in the grass lately so now all my blankets, or "throws" as more cultured people may say, are covered in grass. I live up a large staircase which serves as a repository for grass - I sweep but not as often as I should. I take off my shoes downstairs but guests do not.

Well, my hair is getting long again.

I'm starving - I've wiled away my office hours, now it's time for lunch.

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