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at least I smell good
Thursday, Sept. 28, 2006 - 09:59

I am making beans. They soaked last night and they need to simmer a couple hours this morning. If I'd gotten out of bed when my alarm went off they would be done now. Instead I lay there for two hours.

I think I will make an official announcement right now and say that that is the last time I will ever use 'lay' as the past tense of 'lie'. It's just stupid, I don't care if the prescriptivists approve of it or not. From this point forward I shall always use 'laid'. I just like me some Germanic dental past. Weak verbs, yum.

Also I would like to make an official announcement regarding my inability to get myself out of bed in the morning but I can't. If I wanted to get over all of this right now I would, and since I'm not, I apparently don't want to. I am logged in to gmail chat right now. Why? I don't know. We're getting to the point where I won't do that, we're getting to the point where I'll be able to get out of bed, but we're not there yet.

Goals for today: beans, and move my little white rolly thing into the bathroom. Oh and homework. First, though, I need to get dressed.

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