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2006-06-15 - 13:28

Um. I'm in this writing phase again. It's an upswing in the literary current and I am a fish. I just want to sit and write in notepads all day. All morning. I could do that. I love ink. I have things to say, stories to tell and people to describe. I went running last night to Volunteer Park and saw only one man pleasuring himself and made only one person think I was running up to mug them.

Later my head down to my upper jaw bone was numb, as well as part of a leg and another part that I've forgotten and I had this amazing thought: under the influence of certain substances each word that is spoken becomes TERRIBLY IMPORTANT and it's like you can slow down time, listen to each TERRIBLY IMPORTANT word come out of the speaker's mouth, and of course you're not slowing down time (time doesn't exist), you're just spreading out your reality a little. And this is all under the power of the brain. And so. Our brains have the power to process things at different speeds and oh my god what if we learned how to control that? Do you know how productive we could be? I was amazed.

Then I realized, yeah, each word is TERRIBLY IMPORTANT but by the time you get to the end of the sentence you've forgotten what the beginning of the sentence was. Do you know what I'm talking about?

Then I watched the Office and laughed and thought it was the funniest thing ever. I had another profound thought but have forgotten it.

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