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Thursday, May. 18, 2006 - 20:40

Let us start all over and pretend we don't know anything. I will be vague. If you don't know what I'm talking about you haven't been reading this diary for the past eleven point five months.

We will start all over. It is an elaborate dance and here is what is good about it: it is fun, it is smart, it is unknown. Am I the only one dancing? What will happen? What do I want to happen? It is intriguing.

We waste time, we laugh, we bicker and debate, we challenge each other and help each other and make fun of each other, we look at each other and don't look at each other. We make each other smile.

No I don't know anything. I don't know. But the dance is fun and shouldn't be ended too quickly.

And in other news.

The bus.

My god, the bus. The bus tonight was packed full of behinderte Leute, der ganze Bus, behinderte Leute all of them. Five people had to use the lift and only one was in a wheelchair, the others were just lazy and large and had their houses in plastic bags with them arggh. One guy had just gotten out of jail, was sweating and smelled funky, he said loudly. One woman just had surgery and some women tried to beat her up and her son is AWOL from the Marines or maybe it's her son-in-law. Her daughter is 19 and has a three-year-old and a newborn and a husband who is AWOL from the Marines. And her other daughter is either married to this guy's cousin or married to the same guy. So maybe it is her son, I have no idea. She also has a five-year-old. One other guy sat in the back and talked in his tiny cartoony voice about stupid shit the entire ride. THE ENTIRE RIDE.

This is after the goddamn bus didn't come for forever so I couldn't get to my storage unit before it closed. I had to stay late at work tonight because the paralegal who was really supposed to be staying left promptly at 4:55 and at 4:56 the attorney sent an email saying: WE NEED TO FIND THESE DOCUMENTS BEFORE 8:30 TOMORROW MORNING. So crap piss fuck the fucking bus and fucking worthless paralegals, they are, for the most part, stupid stupid people. So are buses.

I am going away for the weekend.

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