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My run tonight; events; Las Vegas; Seattle; plans; where I live now.
Tuesday, Apr. 04, 2006 - 21:03

Oh guess what - you want to know about my run tonight I know - I went around the lake TWICE. Not running the entire time because a few times I was sidelined by: a couple bouts of sideache, cramps of the womanly variety, and unhappy feet that needed to be stretched out. Also my breathing totally sucked, I was breathing through my mouth most of the time. But: twice around the lake! I probably ran, eh, four miles total, no, more, since twice around would be 5.6 miles, so, say, four and a half miles at least.

Super interesting I know.

I went to Neumo's after work and bought tickets to four shows and I was embarrassed to be doing it, like it was nerdy, like, eeee I love Neumo's. But they have some really good shows coming up, all in a row, is that my fault? No.

Tomorrow night I'm playing tennis with a friend and I'm excited.

Not going to Vegas this weekend. This would have been with my high school girlfriends. This would have been symbolically very nice to do, since we're all 30 or nearly 30. And I haven't seen these girls in a long time and I had such a great time at the reunion and I'd probably have a good time in Vegas. Or I wouldn't, I'd have a poopy time. Either way it would have been expensive and sometimes I forget but I did just take a month off of work to go to Costa Rica, and now I have these big plans to buy: a computer or two, a car, a bike, brown shoes, and out of state graduate tuition.

I know I know, I should go, but the plane tickets are at least $400 now and that's lame.

And. I've got these Seattle people that I love and adore and I'd like to spend time with them and I'm realizing time is getting short.

Also I've got some homelessness to plan, and there's a lot of stuff to do. Like, buy a laptop now, get the stuff off my big computer that I want so I can work on that this summer. Also: I'll need to bring along a pillow and a blanket and sheets. Also: it'll be summer, I'll need to have a box of summer clothes accessible in the storage unit. Also: I need to get together with my old roommate to see if I can stay in her guest bedroom for a couple weeks. Also: I need to tell my current roommates I'm moving out.

And telling them tonight will be excellent timing! Because I got back from my run tonight to find a birthday/fondue party happening in my living room that I wasn't invited to or informed of! They meant to invite me, they feel bad, but I feel stupid. So I'm here typing at my computer and they're reading poetry. I ate a lot of fruit and chocolate fondue before I came in here though. But I'd like to take a shower soon and a house full of people precludes that event from happening to a modest individual such as myself. Bah! Bah!

I'd like to stay up to commemorate 01:02:03 04/05/06, but I REALLY HOPE THAT DOESN'T HAPPEN, I REALLY HOPE THIS DOESN'T TURN INTO A LATE-NIGHT PARTY.

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