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Monday, Apr. 03, 2006 - 21:06

Today I went tanning at a real live tanning salon. I'm doing all these things I've never done before. Haircuts, drugs, stealing, Central America, now tanning.

Am I kidding? I am not.

So I'm getting a storage unit and a PO box and I'm going to be staying on couches starting in a month (or so the plan goes). (Tonight would be a good night to inform my roommates I'm moving out. Watch me not do it.) It will work out well. Oh yes my old friend the boy offered his place.

I'm glad I didn't get a chance to talk to him when I wanted to tell him I couldn't be friends anymore. He doesn't need that kind of unnecessary drama right now and neither do I and anyway I need all the friends I can get these days because I'm going to be sleeping on their couches/floors very soon. Some of them do not know this yet but they will soon.

All this means is that I need to have patience.

I want to buy:

a laptop
a new desktop computer too
a car
brown shoes
a wide-angle lens

Yesterday I got off the train and I don't exactly remember the day because it was long and I was very tired, but in the evening I went running. At the outset I thought the run was going to suck because:

  1. I had slept well the night before except it was on a train, and sleeping well on a train is measured differently than sleeping well in your bed = I didn't get much sleep. And hadn't exactly gotten much sleep in five days. It was a long five days.
  2. When I got to Green Lake I realized that I hadn't exactly eaten anything except a scone in 24 hours.
  3. Bad underwear.

However the run was fine until I got a paralyzing sideache a couple miles in and had to stop because my right side stopped working and I was starting to loudly gasp for breath. I got passed by two girls. That sucked. But still. I think I'm going to have to start going around the lake twice because it didn't take me very long.

In case anyone doubted it it's totally almost summer in Seattle and it's fucking awesome. It smells nice out, there are clouds and sky and rain and sun and it's warm (sometimes) and it's so light and I'm excited.

I need to calm down. Right now I need to get some sleep.

I might get to live in Ballard again! Ballard! I fucking ♥ Ballard.

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