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Monday, Jan. 09, 2006 - 18:44

I am home now. I spent all day in my own snuggly world. I was at work. Looking back now it seems snuggly. It wasn't at the time, or maybe it was. Now the best thing ever would be to put on sweatpants and a sweatshirt and get into bed and stay there until tomorrow morning. I ate grilled cheese and tomato soup and I'm always writing about that. I'm tired. I haven't emailed the people I need to email -- I've emailed two of them, and there's one maybe two more I need to do. And my statement of purpose, which I was all planning to do chattily, I love writing about myself, and then my stinking coworker made me feel like I wasn't being professional enough. So I will be more professional. But still, I love writing about myself and I plan to be fairly entertaining, or as entertaining as you can be in a sad pathetic statement of purpose whose main point is this: Yeah I quit school but let me back in I won't flake out this time!

I couldn't fall asleep last night, I was very itchy, I was itchy all over, and I've bitten off all my fingernails so there was no remedy. I finally fell asleep very late and had very detailed involved dreams and I thought I was awake all night.

I'm not very sad right now. I saw my old friend the boy down the hallway at work and I didn't start crying, I didn't even flinch.

I do feel very foggy, whether it's the 24 weird fishegg-looking pills I've been taking, or genuine tiredism, or my very large weekend, or the astrological change (my horoscope said to expect a decrease in energy and after almost three years of hyperactivity that would be nice but I didn't expect it to start this soon). Or legitimate emotional tiredness -- I'm tired of dealing with some of the stuff I've been so upset about, so I've dropped it off and now where am I.

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