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What happened on Saturday
Sunday, Nov. 20, 2005 - 11:38

I will tell you more about yesterday.

I had to wake up very early after going to bed very late. I got on a bus, I got poked with needles and thoroughly enjoyed it. I came home, I had pancakes and coffee in the basement, I went jogging and it was sunny and my living room was very bright and spacious, I took a shower, I got on a bus again, I got a Flexcar truck and got my roommate to help me move my mattress.

We went back to my old house.

Ballard I miss you! My old house - although the situation became unbearable and I was confined to my room - oh I had hummingbirds at my head, waking me up in the morning! My old quiet neighborhood, quiet, nice houses. My jogging route! Along Puget Sound, Shilshole, Golden Gardens. My old room is so empty and big, windows on three sides. My old room smelled good, the rest of the house didn't, but my room did.

Mostly though perhaps I will think of the hummingbirds at my window, and I will think of when my friend the cute boy would spend the night and we would wake up very early and look out the window.

Jesus christ the end of summer, that was fucking great.

Anyway moving on.

I took a nap for a couple hours but never felt like I fell asleep, although I had a million dreams going on. I was listening to music, and then my roommate started playing the piano loudly, so I turned off my music to listen to him.

I cannot listen to Bob Dylan - Nashville Skyline - enough. Lay Lady Lay is like my favorite song right now.

I asked my friend the cute boy why Bob Dylan doesn't sound like Bob Dylan on this album - because he stopped smoking and drinking, he said.

My friend the cute boy leads a very toxic lifestyle and I don't want that. Jogging around Green Lake was such a nice thing yesterday and I'm glad I wasn't drinking and smoking all Friday night like he was.


Also I find smoking very unattractive so I should just call him my friend now without any other descriptors. Sadly.


I got on another bus and went to the Crocodile. I love opening bands! If there's three bands playing I usually am very impressed by the first band, not so impressed by the second band, and then of course the third band is who I came to see so I like them.

So I saw the best thing ever:

The opening band said "Let's play our new one" and then they said "We wrote this last night, it's one of our early ones". And then they started doing a cover of Kinski's The Wives of Artie Shaw (I think? I'm sorry Kinski, I don't really know all the names of your songs), and the flutist and the crazy-eyed guy from Kinski were standing in the audience and it was great to see the looks on their faces when they realized what the band was playing - they were surprised and then smiling and it was funny. And then the crazy-eyed guy ran up to the stage and threw his beer at the drummer. It was hilarious and so subtle and most people probably missed it. And then when it came time for the flute solo thing the band did it with their voices and it was great.

It was great. I can't explain it well but it was hilarious and rad and the best thing I've ever seen.

And then at the end of Kinski's set the crazy-eyed guy said the opening band sucked. But he was kidding. It was rad.

Then I got on another bus and there was a girl who was so fucked up, I felt so bad for her.

Then I went to bed. I got out of bed at 11. I could have stayed there longer but that would be silly.

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