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I enjoy the attention
Saturday, Nov. 19, 2005 - 13:38

I had acupuncture this morning and it was AWESOME. I am going back for more.

They burned little things on some of the needles, fall leaves burning on my tummy.

He stuck a needle into my leg and it hit something and a jolt of electricity made my leg jerk around.

Grace said acupuncture didn't help her but I think this will help me, I believe it's magic and will cure all my ills, including my recent stupid coffee drinking, my fingernail biting, my waking up at 4 a.m., my boy problems, and my procrastination tendencies.

(They used beginner needles and when I go back they will not be so gentle, they will stick me with the big mothers and I will come back here to whine: OWW. However, still, it will be magic.)

Speaking of boys (which we weren't but) I think I need to talk to my friend the cute boy. Boy, I will say, clarify your feelings on the boy-girl thing please. I will also say: boy, I thought we were only going to be in each other's lives for a short time, that's why I'm so intense, but it seems like perhaps next fall we might be in the same place. Please boy, tell me why, what are you thinking?

Yesterday at work I nearly had an anxiety attack, I was millimeters away from tears all afternoon. It's strange to think that it wasn't until I was 26 that I ever had anything close to a panic attack. I'm not saying they're good at all, but, was I alive before that?

Last night I saw good music x 2.5, tonight is Kinski and they always kick ass.

Sunny! Jog around Green Lake right now! Then! Move my mattress with my finally-arrived Flexcar membership! Bed! Sleep! Jog! Etc.! Kinski!

I am okay, it will be okay. That's what I tell myself.

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