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hey guess who's updating by email again
2005-10-26 - 13:25

So you know I have no internet at home now which is a good thing because this week I only have time to be busy packing, or, in the case of yesterday, taking a nap and then going to a show. Internet though, no.

So you know that yesterday I was probed and prodded and poked and waxed (I also got a bloody nose) and you know that if I'd been thinking mor= e clearly I wouldn't have gotten my lip waxed because it's gross. It's gross! I have this naked whale-lip now, my mojo is gone! Also, yes, hello, there's a slight amount of irritation and/or breakout, which may be from the violence of the waxing or it may be from the soothing stuff they put on afterwards. I have sensitive skin.

The woman who waxed me was very motherly and was stroking my face intently as soon as I sat down, looking a= t me concernedly and motheredly. I respond so well to mothering types, which is hilarious and interesting because my own mother, who I honestly have absolutely no relationship with (oh we get along fine and talk on the phone but it's mostly her talktalktalking away about crap I don't care about whil= e I'm playing a computer game, or the other way around) is not motherly at al= l and if she ever tried to be motherly I wouldn't like it. And I am not motherly myself, except with boys.

I took a nap for half an hour and as soon as I was starting to be asleep the alarm I'd set on my phone went off. It was dark and stormy outside and I stayed in bed a while longer.

I got up, I packed up some stuff, I took it out to my truck. = I had some soup for dinner.

I got on a bus headed for the city and managed to get off too soon and had to walk. I had to walk quite a ways. On the journey to the show I probably walked three miles, in Ballard, downtown= , and on Capitol Hill.

I went to Chop Suey and saw American Analog Set. The first band was fantastic! Bre. I wish I'd seen more of their set.

Chop Suey looks exactly like a place called "Chop Suey" should.

It was an all-ages show and underagers are so hilarious. They're always sitting down in large groups. I remember doing that - let's sit down. And then suddenly the whole group of them will get up and leave, or move into the bathroom, all together. And when they smoke, it's with suc= h studied casualness - look, smoking, SOOO fucking cool, let me blow into the air.

I left, I walked up the street and considered peeing on Capitol Hill. Capitol Hill is on to us urinators, though, and their alleys are lit up way more than their streets are.

I peed by a church.

I saw a man beating his dog, I nearly got run over by a car (I had to run out of th= e way), the bus driver sped through Ballard at about 40 miles an hour. When I got off, the penultimate stop, there was one other person on the bus - he'd been asleep, he'd missed his stop, he looked around and we were out in the middle of nowhere.

I walked home, the last late-night walk I'll have through my neighborhood. It wasn't dark and stormy anymore. It was clear, with a few clouds all lit up by something - the city, the moon, wherever it was. The stars were bright, there was Mars, there were new leaves on the ground.

I went to bed, late, and I got up, early.

In addition t= o the mysterious disappearance of my freaking Iron & Wine cd, my new tipped burgundy Calvin Klein 65% off bra has disappeared! No, you don't know how pissy that is, I am wearing my new tipped burgundy Calvin Klein 65% off underwear today with my new red bra! I could have matched today, it could have been so good.

Any html alterations that I would like to employ, or any responses to comments, or even any reading of other diaries, will have to wait until next week or until I go to the library again.

Wednesday. Yesterday was October 25.

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