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Work, work
Thursday, Oct. 13, 2005 - 17:54

There's a reason I try not to lie. It creates unnecessary complications and it's stupid. Today I got caught in a dumb little lie that was inadvertantly told like over a month ago to someone I didn't and don't even really know. It involved being seen in Queen Anne with my friend the cute boy from work and being asked the next day "So you live in Queen Anne" and then not knowing what to do and just nodding my head. At the time the cute boy and I were very new and secret and I just didn't know what to do. So anyway today I was asked "So where do you live in Queen Anne" and I had to say "Oh I live in Ballard" and then I was asked "How long have you lived there" and I had to say "Since February" and then there was a silence which meant this person was realizing that I didn't live in Queen Anne when I was spotted there and so I ...

Anyway, lying is stupid. Also, it's stupid to care whether people "know about" me and my friend the cute boy. He's my super special friend and it's none of their business really and why do I even care? I don't.

Also, today at work was better than yesterday and the day before because I got some jobs to do, like actual work. However, it is true that the first task I got was cleaning out the refrigerator on floor 17.

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