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Thursday, Aug. 18, 2005 - 21:48

The cute boy was dropped off at the airport a couple hours ago, his car is outside my house, I have his apartment keys and he said "I hope this isn't presumptuous but please feel free to stop by while I'm gone", and now here I am at home in my underwear at my computer, tired.

I talked to my roommate for about an hour tonight after we both got home and I haven't seen her much this week and she's been really upset lately because her best friend is dying and she works with people who are dying all day long, and I think she's barely holding it together. So sometimes I just sit and let her talk. And afterwards I hugged her even though I'm not a huggy person, because she totally needed it, and she said "I'm so glad you live here" and I felt kind of bad because I've been thinking about moving.

My little sister got a job in a different city, a city where the only person she knows is her "boyfriend" and she's always ambivalent about her "boyfriends" and she doesn't know if she wants to move there or not. But she accepted the job, which I guess means she'll be moving there. I hope she gives me her kitty. Her "boyfriend" is allergic.

Tomorrow I will go to work and cover for the cute boy and I wonder if our boss has an idea that we like each other, because she assigned me to cover for him while he's gone, and he told her he didn't want to move away to a new desk, and she asked me if I liked sitting by him, and today he left early and then I left early, ahem.

It has been established that we, the cute boy and I, will call each other while he's away.

He didn't want to leave, he's visiting family and has been apprehensive about it, and there's more going on there than what he's told me, but those are his secrets and I couldn't even speculate about it even if I wanted to.

And we still like to make each other laugh, and we still like to talk to each other, and although I think it's a very adult relationship he said he likes that it feels so young.

This afternoon I said to him "Come back to my lips" and I meant for him to kiss me again and he said "That right there sums up what I like about you." And then I said "But it didn't work" and he said "Yes it did, I laughed." So that's about it.

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