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It's Monday and now it's 9:30 so I'm going to bed
Monday, Aug. 08, 2005 - 21:17

Here are some letters I wrote:

Dear truck,

Fuck you!

Regina Toowomba

Dear water pump,

Fuck you!

Regina Toowomba

Dear Mr. Truck Driver,

No I don't have kids, no I'm not 20 years old, no I don't have a boyfriend and thank you very much for turning me into a liar because from now on whenever anyone asks me if I do I'm going to lie and say Yes, yes I do have a boyfriend, and he's very big and angry. No I am not going to hang out with you the next time you're in Seattle, I'm not impressed by how much money you made last year and anyway I KNOW YOU'RE LYING DUMBASS, and Toby Keith is fine but no I don't really listen to country music. No I won't go to Hooters with you, or to Cowgirls Inc. or to any strip club. But thanks for the ride.

Regina Toowomba

This evening after work I got my hair cut by a real live hair cutter! For the second time in my life! It was fantastic!

I went swimming many times over the weekend, once I finally got home. The drive home, you may have gathered, ended up taking a wee bit longer than anticipated due to the unfortunate untimely demise of my water pump in the middle of FUCKING NOWHERE. I became a damsel in distress. It was uncomfortable.

I have SO MANY THINGS TO TELL YOU, I haven't been doing it because all I've been talking about for the past few years is my friend the cute boy at work. I've done many other things, I've gone to many shows, I've had many interesting rides on the bus, etc., but I haven't written about them at all.

On Saturday night I was propositioned by a really drunk guy, he was so drunk he couldn't walk and talk at the same time, so I gave him a ride to a house he said he wanted to go to, and then, after staggering to the door, he staggered back to the car and asked me if I wanted to park and come in. It was so sad and pathetic. I have yet to indulge in a one night stand, or even casual sex, but goddamnit if or when I do it will be with someone who really wants to fuck me passionately and lustily and sweatily, and not with someone who is so drunk he can't even open his eyes.

Lesson learned from the weekend: I am so glad I'm not a boy.

And my friend the cute boy at work wasn't at work today. Maybe his flight was delayed, maybe he was tired and went home to take a nap, I don't know, I hope he had a good weekend, I hope he's there tomorrow so I can find out, and so I can look at his cuteness.

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