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I tried, but what can you expect.
Wednesday, Jul. 27, 2005 - 18:40

Here is a letter I wrote to tourists (I used to do this, didn't I?):

Dear tourists,

Please stop being so annoying. Get on the bus and shut up. Thank you.


Regina Toowomba

Um, the bus home today was air conditioned. But, um, people are dumb and opened the windows. Then they closed them.

Um, I have a little pizza in the oven which I will be eating in 16 minutes.

And uh, although I went to the store on Monday or whenever I didn't manage to buy anything to make for lunches so I've been having to buy my lunch, which is dumb.

Well, nothing else to say.

Oh, except my friend at work (the fact that he's cute is irrelevant) sent me this email after I'd been acting like a pouty brat about him moving, saying that he wasn't really upset that he was going to move (I was just kidding! I was pouting, but it was a secret!):

"He says that, but he doesn't mean it." I believe that is verbatim.


And then below that was a forwarded message that he'd written to our boss, the famous Jenn, asking to stay at his current desk, to which she said, if it's that important to you, sure.

So, my friend at work isn't moving and now I feel bad that I was being a pouty brat.

Um, etc. I won't tell you about what he was wearing today.

Um, I told him on Friday night that it was probably a good thing that he'd be moving, since I hadn't been getting any work done.

Um, he asked me if I'm going to this thing this weekend.

Um, I rinsed my hair with vinegar last night. It's shiny and nice today.


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