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An entry in which I talk about the wild life, wildlife, and vaginas. Woohoo, sex and violence!
Sunday, May. 08, 2005 - 21:49

Here was my lovely plan:

1. do finances (i.e. put all receipts into Money to determine how much I've spent on gas and CDs recently)
2. work on story
3. catch up on sleep lost from my wild nights out

Here's what ended up happening:

1. stayed up very late playing the Sims

So then I finally stopped playing the Sims a few hours ago and had to make some important phone calls (i.e. Mother's Day and sister calls) and so all the time I had allotted to writing my stupid murderous story - because I've given up on the finances part, it's not going to happen - was eaten up by those talky-talkies I'm related to, especially my mother. She talks a lot!

It rained this afternoon, it was nice, I opened my window to listen to it, I went to shut my window because I got cold, which I did, but then to my absolute horror there was a psycho snail on my window - a psycho snail had climbed up the house and into my room and by shutting the window I had very nearly crushed or mooshed it! I quickly opened the window again, hoping that neither crushing nor mooshing had occurred; thankfully the snail appeared to be uncrushed and unmooshed, albeit still psycho.

I tried to pick it up; its shell crumbled a bit. I tried to flick it off; it stuck to the ledge. I got a pencil to move it off with; it rolled over onto its psycho back and showed me its smooshy vaginal part. Snails look like vaginas! Then, with the lewd beast on its back, I flicked it off and it trickled down to the ground and it's now running free with the other psycho snails.

I mean, I actually like snails, but I didn't know their shells were so fragile, and I didn't know they were really vaginas in shells.

I try not to be so wimpy, but, I'm scared of worms and snakes and other icky things.

I try to save all the worms on the sidewalk but it's hard because I don't like to touch them, I find a leaf or stick or something else to pick them up with.

In junior high I had a baby snake. It was cute, I loved it, it was really cool. Its name was Snake, I saw it being born (live birth - it was a garter snake). But then one weekend I stayed at a friend's house and didn't put the lid on Snake's cage and when I got home there was a paw print in the sand and a single cat hair next to it. My baby snake was lying upside down on my bedroom floor (in a clearing; my room was very messy), head smooshed, deceased, murdered at the paws of my otherwise pacifist cat. Ever since then I've been scared of snakes. I sort of thought that the snake world was after me for not protecting my little snake.

And now I can't write my horse story because this entry is too long.

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