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I need to go to the store, what's for dinner, am I hungry anyway? I could go eat pho, I'm so sick of pho though. I stink, I'll take a shower tomorrow morning, I'll have to get up early to do that. Etc.
Wednesday, May. 04, 2005 - 18:40

I'm finding I appreciate guitars more and more with each passing day.

Now I could tell you what I think of the new single by Coldplay but I won't.

If you find any extra luck lying around, if it drips off your fingertips like mine does, send it to Whisper and her family of cats -- they are moving to Spain right now.

I was going to have the final awards ceremony for the writing contest tonight, but the judge from Latvia suddenly came down with consumption AND constipation and so it won't happen tonight.

Guess what! Tonight I'm going to the Sunset to see an Australian band, a local band, and a band from someplace, I don't know where. And then guess what! On Friday night Shawn Smith will be at the Sunset. And other things. I wasn't planning on any of this (except for the other things which I already knew about) but found out today, and remembering my freakout from yesterday, I was like, well shit, one more thing to do on a weekday night, I guess I'll go through my photos SOME OTHER DAY, I guess I'll work on my stupid writing assignment SOME OTHER DAY. (By the way, I'm going to do the murderous Avril Lavigne horse, it's going to be a horse named Avril, it's a Canadian horse, she's very thin but don't let that fool you!)

Um, over the weekend I installed a DVD drive in my parents' computer and I was completely 100% successful, except for the part about the mounting brackets, because there weren't any, so it's just sitting in there rather flexibly, but actually that's good because those cables were tight!

I am listening to Johnny Marr.

p.s. Tomorrow -- get ready -- is 05/05/05. The kids who were born on 8/8/88 will be, um, like, 16.75, so no one cares about them. But guess what will happen on 05/05/10? The kids born on 05/05/05 will turn 5! Yeah, mark your calendars for that.

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