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On animal deaths and dating
Thursday, Mar. 31, 2005 - 19:37

It was a year ago that I was making macaroni and cheese and my cat died.

It was about six years ago that I was making popcorn and I found out that my other cat had been killed.

I was making pizza the other night and got a call from my mom. The dog has been having problems. He had a seizure and stopped eating. I bet you think I'm going to say that he died and I was making pizza when I found out about it, but that's not true. He's still alive. But they found out that he has lymphoma, and they'll probably have to put him to sleep in a day or two.

When there are disasters or tragedies with deaths they always talk about "closure" and crap like that. All the cats I had growing up just disappeared and I had no "closure" at all but I was fine. But last year my cat died and I saw her dead and I dug the hole to bury her in and so I certainly got "closure" but it doesn't seem to help at all because it's something that can still make me cry.


The day after my cat died, after I buried her, I cleaned the whole upstairs of the house and packed up all her cat toys and cat things and everything, and that night Peter came over and we sat out on the porch and he talked and I just listened to him and it was nice. He talked about things from his life and it was interesting and relaxing.

Then a couple weeks later he decided he didn't want to be friends with me anymore but he didn't bother telling me that, and so there was no "closure" until I finally got the bastard to tell me a week later.

Then he kept seeing me and calling again and then he'd stop calling and lame stuff like that, thus nullifying the effects of the closure.

Closure with animals = bad, closure with boys = good.

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