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April poem 1, computer component work, Sims update, April poem 2
Saturday, Apr. 02, 2005 - 16:32

My landlord pulled out the internet cable yesterday so I couldn't update with my first April poem. Here it is now:

O April you foolhardy beast!
Tra la la, tra la loo,
That is what I always do.
I'm making this poem up right now
Because I am a lazy cow
Who didn't write a poem yesterday
And now has to fake her way
Through the day.
Hip hooray,

Yesterday I put in my new CD drive. It went fairly smoothly, thanks to the telephonic help of our old friend Mr. Pooh, and I probably would have figured it all out without him, except I didn't. I also got a new fan and installed that without blowing anything up. The only thing is that it's sucking air in instead of blowing it out like the last one was (it's a case fan, there are also two other fans) and I don't know if that's bad or not, but that's the way it is, the only way it would go in, so it has to be okay whether it is or not.

Sims update: Frist their name is, Franz and Fritz and Freckles. Freckles had Fritz's baby, maybe, or maybe it was Franz's, who knows, and he named it Patches, and now Freckles is pregnant with the other's baby, and she's also become friendly with Darren Dreamer, etc. They're all catching each other cheating every day, it's so old.

I might sign up for a writing class, not because I think it would "help" me, but because it would make me do stuff. And also I'd get to meet the teacher.

Now here is my second April poem. It is a haiku:

When I was a girl
I played Barbies in lilacs.
Then they got chopped down.

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