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An entry in which I: lie three times, make aviary death threats, make an important announcement, and use three words that I had to look up the spelling of.
Wednesday, Mar. 30, 2005 - 22:07

I didn't get to play the Sims the other night; my attempts were thwarted by the continued brokenness of my CD drives. My CD drives have been broken for many moons. I don't know why I didn't do this before, but I just ordered a new one. It was so easy! I could have done this six months ago! I could have been playing the Sims nonstop all winter! You are probably saying to yourselves, But Regina Toowomba, you just ordered it, you haven't installed it yet, how do you know that will be easy? But to you I say, Fie on you, pessimists! It will be easy, and you will never hear from me again because I will be too busy with my Sims!

Today on the busride home I saw two pigeons deep in the throes of passion on the edge of the roof of a gas station. If there's one thing I hate more than crows and mountains and wind, it's pigeons, and if there's one thing I hate more than pigeons, it's fucking pigeons. If I'd had a rock I would have thrown it at them, or if I'd had a blowtorch I would have fried them. I'm just kidding! Then you'd have two dead pigeon bodies lying around, what good would that do anyone?

ANNOUNCEMENT: The awards ceremony for the Exciting Spring Writing Contest is imminent! If you haven't entered yet, it's probably too late! Your eleven minutes have passed you by! Too bad! The prizes are totally awesome! You will want one! You will be sad! You will be jealous! You will try to sneak your entry in afterwards, but you will be too late! And I will not cave and give you a prize anyway! Just so you know! Imminent!

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