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An entry in which I delight you with stories of 1. my personal magnetism, and 2. incomplete reality
Monday, Feb. 07, 2005 - 19:54

Salad makes me fartsy, when will I ever learn? Also, asparagus is on sale now, right, so it's back to the baby-diarrhea-smelling pee for me. Also, it's a good thing no one tried to make out with me today because they would have thought I was a man.

Also, at the moment, Miss Crazypants is currently completing Day Two of not talking to me. Last time she went for three days before I broke her streak of silent retardednes by telling her that I was going to be moving out.

Now here are three stories that I don't know the endings to:

1. Today after work I was walking up Third Avenue to the Benaroya Hall bus tunnel and, stop, I was stopped at the corner, and then, go, the light changed so we all went, and the people across the street came at us, and there was a dog in the crowd who came along as well, a good dog walking like a dog should. But then I saw that the dog wasn't on a leash. I thought, maybe he's walking alongside someone, heeling, but no, his pace was a bit quicker than his companions, and I realized he was alone.

2. Before I saw the dog, I was still on Fourth, and I came out of a building into whose ATM I had deposited my nine-dollar paycheck, and I saw a man running up the sidewalk shouting at the other side of the street: "Hold that bus! Hold that bus!" There was a 554 going up the street, and I thought he was shouting about that. Then he ran across the street against the light but kept running up Spring Street and he wasn't after the 554, he was after the bus going up Spring Street.

3. Tim, one of the two intelligent decent guys I worked with last summer, who got fired a week or so before I quit, who deserved and hopefully now has a much better job - his exgirlfriend was pregnant and said it was his kid after first saying it wasn't, and apparently she'd been sleeping around on him. They broke up before she knew she was pregnant. He had a new girlfriend who was smart and pretty and she said if the baby ended up being his she'd break up with him. The baby was born in August and he got a paternity test. But then he got fired, and I don't know. I hope he's okay, he's a good person.

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