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I hate cell phones, reason #4
Thursday, Apr. 22, 2004 - 16:46

Today, being a lovely sunny spring day, as well as Earth Day, I decided to go for a walk with my sister and the dogs. We went to the lake and somehow managed to pick up a crazy guy along the way, a guy who we used to know way back when, who I hadn't seen in like 20 years.

So we were sitting there and the dogs were playing and we were throwing sticks and rocks and making conversation as gracefully as you can with a crazy guy you haven't seen in 20 years. Then my sister's phone rings and suddenly she's no longer with us, she's been transported into another dimension, so I'm left alone to make awkward conversation with the crazy guy, who sort of started hitting on me. It was uncomfortable.

Finally my sister got off her stupid phone and I thought, yay, good, now she can talk to him, but no, then her stupid phone rings again and she's transported back into that other dimension. Then the crazy guy throws a rock really hard and hits my dog in the leg. My dog starts howling and won't stand on his foot and won't come out of the water, so we think his leg might be broken. Meanwhile, another set of dogs arrives at the beach so my sister's dog starts running all over the beach, zoom zoom back and forth, barks and teeth and dog scuffles, and my dog's still crying. I manage to drag him out of the water and get his leash on him, and then my sister's stupid dog zooms over and tries to attack him, and they both jump all over my jacket that's sitting on the ground and get mud all over it and they get their wet dogginess all over me. I'm getting really annoyed because my sister's just sitting there oblivious to everything, so I drag her stupid dog over to her and say "Hold your dog!" while I try to attend to my poor injured dog. So she takes her dog but then lets her go, so the stupid dog starts zooming all over the place again and trying to attack my dog again, and I'm all wet and dirty and annoyed.

Finally she says, "So can I call you back?" and gets off her stupid cell phone and comes back to this dimension and calls her stupid dog, who doesn't listen anyway.

I hate cell phones, and I hate untrained dogs.


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