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Sunday, Feb. 01, 2004 - 00:16

This morning we got up to the top of the mountain and it was snowing merrily. Yesterday we got up there and it was hailing. The sunset yesterday over the lake, the view from the mountain was spectacular, but I'm not going to try to explain it.

I've been drinking again tonight but it seems that I'm handling it better than last time.

This morning I got to work a half hour late (on purpose), and no one noticed, and if they had noticed no one would have cared.

I might go to work half an hour late tomorrow. Again. Because no one will notice. And because, oh look, I have to get up in 6 hours, and, oh look, I'm slightly tipsy and I've already forgotten certain things that I was supposed to remember tonight, things to do.... blah blah whatever.

My eyes are burning. It's my contacts, I think. I'm going to have to get a new kind of contacts.


Oh yeah, they were blasting this morning on the mountain. We got off the bus, and boom, there goes this muted explosion. I think it was on the other side. Anyway, that's happened twice, boom, and it's cool.

Someone please tell me why the alarm on my alarm clock has stopped working.

The en.d

p.s. it's February = my favorite month~!!!!

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