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Brown shoes and drugs
Saturday, Nov. 01, 2003 - 16:51

Australians love brown. I want brown shoes. I have brown shoes at home, similar to the ones I want here. I will soon be home. My brown shoes at home are lame and I want Australian brown shoes. I'll probably buy some Australian brown shoes.

I found out why so many bathrooms have blue lights in them: it's so you can't see your veins. I think the sheltered life I've led has left me out of a lot of insider knowledge, like I walk into a blue-lit bathroom and think, "Yay, a blue bathroom!" but someone else walks in and thinks, "Curse these blue bathrooms, I can't shoot up!" and they probably make jokes about them with their other friends who are in the know, jokes like, "Poodles are the blue bathrooms of the dog world" or something like that except funny. I've been left out of all these jokes. I'm sure there are other jokes that the drug world has that I have no idea about.

And today I saw this guy in a McDonald's with a book and two black eyes trying to eat an ice cream cone, and later I saw him staggering down the street, holding the book, and it was sad. He was so fucked up and had obviously gotten the shit kicked out of him, but he'd gotten up and picked up his book and staggered into McDonald's. I wanted to say to him, "Poor boy, go home and go to bed and sleep it off." He was so fucked up, it was so sad.

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