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An entry in which I talk about death a lot
Saturday, Aug. 09, 2003 - 22:20

Ugh, everything is so boring, and I am having the attention span of a spider that's stuck to an adhesive thing that people put behind their toilets to catch spiders, and the spiders get their legs stuck to it and then they just sit there and die, all stuck and stuff, unable to move. What I really mean is that right now I have the attention span of a spider that's been stuck to one of those things for a few days and is now dead. And what I mean by that is that I'm not liking to pay attention to things for very long right now. Like I was just watching Cocktail with Tom Cruise, and I've never seen it before, and it was okay, it was entertaining, but I turned it off right in the middle. Is he going to hit it big? Will he find that girl again? I don't know! I have no idea! I could go turn the TV on again to find out, but instead I think I'll finish this and then go to bed!

This morning I killed my second mammal. It was a whistle pig. I don't know if whistle pigs actually exist or not, but I ran over one today. I wanted to go back and run it over again to make sure it was dead because I saw it move in my rearviewmirror, but I didn't because I'm crass and cold-hearted and always running late.

The clock at work is more than ten minutes slow, which is good if you get there right at 9:00, because it looks like you're there like 15 minutes early.

Among the words I've recently started using are 'exacerbate' and 'preclude'. I usually just say them when I'm talking to myself, but I do use them in the correct context. It's fun being so educated.

Whistle pigs are squirrely things with short tails. Supposedly they whistle, but also supposedly they aren't really whistle pigs, someone just called them that. I could go do a search for 'whistle pig' but I don't think I will. No one I know has ever heard a whistle pig whistle.

I ate too many peanuts tonight.

I went to see Finding Nemo last night because a long time ago siva0 said to, and I felt bad because I want a seahorse. I really do. Or two. I want a couple seahorses because I think they're neat. But I'll be breaking apart little oceanic families. How sad.

Ellen Degeneres is a person I find extremely funny.

And since I've washed my clothes for tomorrow I think I'll go to bed now.

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