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This is an unnecessarily long entry in which I concentrate entirely on myself. It is very self-involved, and if you're pressed for time, please just read the first paragraph.
Friday, Jul. 25, 2003 - 20:48

I have a problem.

I have many problems, one of which is that I work from Thursday to Monday, so Thursdays are like my Mondays, and yesterday, which was your Thursday and my Monday, I looked at the paper and it said it was Thursday, and I was about to make a joke about how crappy the local paper is, how they can't even get the day of the week right, but then I remembered that it really was Thursday, it just seemed like Monday to me, and the crappy paper wasn't wrong, I was wrong. And to realize the crappy paper is right when you're wrong is, well, kind of sad.

Another problem is that, see, okay, I have a problem returning phone calls. I have a problem calling people. This woman, some woman I met briefly while mildly drunk at a wedding a couple weeks ago, has called me twice asking me to go horseback riding and I haven't called her back because I'm retarded. My horoscope yesterday ( = Thursday, = Monday) even said that I should return phone calls. How bad is that, when your stupid daily horoscope is actually pertinent to your life!

This problem of mine, of course, can be converted into onlinity or onlineness = I have a problem returning guestbook entries and notes. It's because I'm retarded and don't know what to say.

But this problem has been exacerbated by the fact that I've put up a banner ad a couple times (just because what the hell, I have a gold membership and I get them with that so I might as well use them... I didn't use any of them for last year, so this year..... oh, who cares) and so a few people have come here and have written things to me and I don't do anything, I just sit here like a moron.

But this happened, oh, a couple months ago maybe. I put up a banner, people clicked, I flaked out on returning the comments and crap, partly because of the aforementioned problem, and partly because I didn't have any time at the time. I figured I'd do it later ( = procrastinator). But I didn't do it later, and now guess what I've done? I put up the banner ad again. And so now I have these two waves of comments that I've never returned and I'm such an ass! I'm such an ass!

But now I have another problem. I'm turning into a hit whore. I like all the people coming to my stupid diary (despite the fact that I made this diary robot-proof, so the google spiders won't come here and catalogue it, so perverts looking for "hot piss fucking on a donkey" or "hot naked coyotes shit sex" won't come here). I don't want the perverts, but I do want the other people. I want more and more and more. I want to have ads running all the time. Come to my diary, come to my diary, ha ha my pretties, yes, come in. But then I'll just take your guestbook signings and I'll go off into a corner and eat them all myself and I won't share anything.

I'm tired and it's only Friday/Tuesday.

I talked a lot about myself here.

I went swimming today; do I need to take a shower? I don't think I will.

The moral of this story is that I will not put up anymore ads until I finish my homework. I will do this on Tuesday/Saturday, or Wednesday/Sunday, unless I'm too confused or lazy to do so.

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