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Saturday, April 26, 2003 - 23:29

Tonight was the party for the CAT conference. Every year the party is at the home of two of the professors here. Very nice place. Beautiful old home. Beautiful setting. Wood floors, nice old wood and glass cabinets, nice furniture. Everything's sturdy, simple, and nice. Baby grand piano.

These professors are people I'd actually heard of before I came here, and since my view of the freptological world was very limited, it really means something that I'd heard of them. Basically, these are famous freptologists. So when I first went to their house it was a very big deal.

Every year they have a party for the beginning of the school year at their house. Also there's a study group that meets there every once in a while. And the CAT conference. So over the past three years I've been at their house quite a bit.

Tonight was probably the last time I'll ever go there. And I was a little sad. The CAT conference was one of my last few obligations here, and now it's almost over. I worked hard on that conference, I sweated for it, I put a lot of time and effort into it, and now I'm leaving and it's a little sad to say goodbye. It's a little sad to think that it will go on without me. I can't help but notice all these things we need to do differently or better or the same for next year, but really "we" don't have to do anything, "they" do. Whoever "they" are.

So I was a little sad at times tonight.

But actually I don't care all that much. I just want to get the hell out of here.

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