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Book club meeting 2
Friday, April 11, 2003 - 15:41

So I decided to have a nother meeting of This Diary's Book Club today because I felt like talking about it some more. Unfortunately I don't have the book with me here at school, so I'm going to have to wing it. We're on like chapter 20 or 22 or something like that of Catcher in the Rye.

Me: So everyone's been reading, right?

You: Of course.

and: Man, I haven't read the Catcher in the Rye since like... er.. since.. uh... I swear I did, once upon a time, READ it.

Me: Okay. So what's up with Holden and the movies?

You: Dude, I don't know. He's always talking about how he hates the movies, but then he's like always going to them and always talking about them.

Me: I know. What's up with that?

You: I don't know dude.

siva0: holdens just a crazy bastard.

Me: Well, I guess that's true. He's young and fucked up. But does he really hate the movies?

You: He hates fakers, and acting is faking life. He said something about how life isn't like the movies. Maybe he prefers real life.

Me: Or maybe he wishes real life were like the movies?

You: You really think he's gay?

Me: Yeah. He calls up that guy to meet him for drinks... I can't remember the guy's name, but Holden think's he's a "flit", but he calls him up anyway and the first thing he asks him is how his sex life is. And the guy says he doesn't want a typical Holden conversation or whatever, which seems to say that Holden is always talking about people's sex lives and stuff.

You: Maybe he's just horny.

Me: But he also says he can't ever have sex with girls. He tries but it never happens.

You: Because he's so sensitive and only wants to have sex with a girl he really loves.

Me: After he talks to that guy, after he's been looking at all the "flits" in the bar, he goes into the bathroom and there's that guy brushing his hair, and it seems like he tries to hit on him. And after that he starts crying.

You: Poor Holden! He's not gay, he's just sensitive and fucked up! I want to hold him!

Me: I hate fakers too. I've been faking my way through grad school, and that's one of the reasons I'm quitting.

You: Holden, come to me!

Me: And he like proposes to that girl out of no where. It's like he's in denial, or trying to convince himself he isn't.

You: Will we have another meeting about this book?

Me: Yes, we'll have one more meeting, and then we'll start reading 1984.

You: You know, you've been typing Catcher in the Rye, and on the book it's The Catcher in the Rye. What do you have against the definite article?

Me: I have nothing against the definite article. I love determiners of all sorts. Next time maybe we'll talk about why the title of the book is what it is.

You: Gee, that sounds fun.

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