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First book club meeting
Wednesday, April 9, 2003 - 14:16

Today is an exciting day. I am announcing the formation of a book club. It will be called This Diary's Book Club. We will all read a book, and then we will discuss it.

The first book we will read for This Diary's Book Club is Catcher in the Rye. We are on chapter 16. Our first topic of discussion will be: Is Holden Caulfield gay?

Me: The first time I read this book, I got the distinct impression that Holden Caulfield was gay. But then I started noticing girls saying stuff like "I want a guy like Holden Caulfield" and I'd be all, "But wait, isn't he gay?" and nobody else agreed. So I guess no one else thinks so.

You: You're insane. No one else thinks Holden Caulfield was gay because he wasn't.

Me: I was recently talking to someone about this and they said that I'd ruined the book for them. Sorry.

You: Why would you start a book club and then have a discussion about the book when I haven't even read it yet? Shouldn't you announce the book first, and then a little while later, after everyone's read the book, then you discuss it?

Me: I haven't even finished it myself, bucko, so shut up. The next book we will read is Orwell's 1984.

You: Wait, we haven't even finished the first one and you're announcing the second?

Me: Yes. We'll finish discussing Catcher in the Rye in a couple days, then we'll move on to 1984.

You: Wait, how come you have all this time to read books all of a sudden?

Me: Because I'm quitting school. Oh, did I forget to tell you that?

You: Yes, you forgot to mention that. How long do we have to finish Catcher in the Rye?

Me: Let's see, it's Wensday... how about Saturday?

You: That doesn't really work for me, since I don't even have the book yet.

Me: Since I'm really the only one participating in this it doesn't matter. And Saturday... I just made that up. We'll finish discussing it whenever I finish reading it. And that's final.

You: Okay.

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