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I'm hungry
Monday, February 24, 2003 - 9:32

I spent weeks reminding myself to keep to the left in order to go with the flow of the crowds, and now that I'm here I keep doing that, although it's wrong here.

If I make no sense that's because I'm unable to sleep at night now and I'm really tired and I was awake like all night long.

But who needs sleep? Not me, not really. I was going to go for a run this morning but it's too freaking cold and I was too freaking tired to think when I dragged my poor battered body out of bed this morning an hour after finally falling asleep.

Saw Friend 1 yesterday afternoon and it was really nice to see her and she wants to get a job washing dogs. I told her I wanted to be a lawnmower. A lawnmowing person, not a machine. She said when she gets a house she wants a housekeeper so that she can concentrate on outdoor things rather than housework. I'm glad she's figured that out because some people go through their lives without ever thinking about the theory behind maids.

Or whatever. I think I'll take the bus into town. I have a dentist appointment. I hope I can make it because as you can see I'm a little insane and I might get lost or forget where I'm going or something.

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