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Brisbane night 1
Sunday, February 9, 2003 - 20:08

Two firsts: I'm updating from a superretarded internet terminal that is so slow and dumb I could barf; and I wrote this out first rather than just making it up as I go along.

Okay, here's my concert experience:

February 8, Brisbane

The train out to the Entertainment Center was fucking packed, and everyone was going to see Pel Jam.

I missed the first couple songs that Johnny Marr + the Healers played trying to sell my extra ticket, but there were no takers. So then I went to my seat and I couldn't believe how close I waas. I had a better seat than with my Ten Club ticket at Berdoo. I was like five rows behind the five rows of Ten Club seats near the middle.

Why do they have opening acts? There weren't many people in their seats, and those who were there were all sitting down. The band was good though. Johnny Marr is interesting. During Pearl Jam's set they were all standing at the side of the stage watching.

My seat got farther away as more people sat between me and the stage, but it was still good.

And then the band came on, all with short hair, except Boom. They started with Can't Keep and Ed changed the words to "It'll be wonderful tonight." Then they played Go and I realized that I really don't know the words to that song. "Oh please don't go out on me, don't go on me now, gah gah gah so swiftly, gah gah gah gah. Oooh, don't go on may."

Then I think the next song was Save You, and it was during this song that I first became aware that there were people who weren't bouncing up and down like me.

Which has me thinking. In high school at pep rallies for boys' basketball or football (the only sports we ever had pep rallies for, because 1. no one gives a flying fuck about girls' sports, 2. golf doesn't really lend itself to pep rallies, and 3. no one really gives a flying fuck about soccer or cross country or wrestling) there were a few girls in my class who would try to make everyone stand up, saying, "Come on, don't you have any school spirit? Stand up! I'm so sure." And I always wondered why standing up was such a great display of school spirit (whatever the fuck that is anyway). Just because I was sitting down didn't mean that I didn't harbor the deep desire in my young heart to see the basketball team beat our rival school or to see the football team finally win a game. Besides, I'm a quiet reserved person and I don't like to hoot and holler unless I'm drunk--which I sometimes was in high school, just not at pep rallies. So I've never thought you had to scream and flop around to show that you have "school spirit" or to show that you're enjoying yourself.

But even if you dont' like Riot Act how can you keep still during Save You or Green Disease? How, people? Of course it's good to stop and smell the roses sometiems. The people going crazy all the time probably haven't noticed how Ed's hand dances around the frets in RVM. But people can at least tap there feet or clap, can't they?

By the way, the whole row behind me was people wearing "Coca Cola Backstage Pass" stickers.

Sometime towardsd the beginning they played Hail Hail and there were lyric changes that I can't recall.

During Corduroy? Ed's guitar strap broke right before he was supposed to play an important part--maybe a solo, but whatever=--and his guitar tech ran out to get it or fix it and Ed pulled it away from him, looking like a kid throwing a fit, and then kicked his microphone over. I got scared. Was this an on-stage breakdown? Would he smash the guitar and stomp off the stage? The other guys were looking at him, probably wondering the same thing as me. But then he put his foot up on the monitor and put his guitar on his knee and played the important part very intensely.


I'll finish this later and fix tyupos. Out of time.

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