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Thesis and Pearl Jam, from memory
Monday, October 7, 2002 - 17:27

MOTHERFUCKER! I just typed this all out and then accidentally clicked on "Click to change this label or make these fields disappear" and then I hit the back button and the entry was gone. So this is from memory:

I just had a meeting with my thesis adviser. I wowed her with an outline of my thesis that I whipped up last night (and is the only work I've done in the past seven months).

She was all, "Wow! This looks great! This is so exciting!"

Me: "Yeah, well, I still have to write it."

Her: "This is excellent! You're practically done!"

Me: "I was hoping to at least have it written by the end of the quarter, but I don't think I'll be able to file it this quarter."

Her: "Yes you will! You will finish it! You will file it this quarter! Then you will pass the screening review in December!"

A cold chill went through me, and my smile faded. Once you've passed the screening review, you are Advanced to Ph.D. Candidacy. That's something I really don't want to deal with right now. She knows I'm planning to finish this thesis and then go on "vacation". Why is she suggesting I try to pass the screening review?

I forced out a laugh. "Ha ha. Well, I still have to write it."

I have to turn in the literature review chapter next week. Why did I agree to do that? I haven't even really read the literature, so how can I review it?

Now I have to go find two more professors to be on my committee, which means I have to *ask* two more professors to be on my committee, which means I'll have to tell them about my thesis, which means they will discover that I don't know anything about what I'm writing about and that I in fact don't know anything about freptology and that I shouldn't have been accepted into grad school in the first place, let alone given money.

So that will be fun.

And I had a bad dream about two of my friends this weekend, in which they were giving me a ride somewhere but didn't wait for me to get in the truck before they drove off so I was hanging onto the tailgate. But that wasn't even the bad part. The bad part was when the new Pearl Jam song came on the radio (by this time I was in the truck) and they started making fun of it. That upset me so much I woke up and was all pissed off. Be a jerk to me, fine, but don't fuck with Pearl Jam.

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