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Saturday, April 20, 2002 - 13:21

I always used to scoff at people who felt they needed things like alcohol or drugs to escape from their lives. I always thought, if your life sucks that much, why don't you change it instead of wasting your time escaping from it?

But this year I've noticed that I've started doing things to escape. Like computer games. I used to play computer games to procrastinate, thinking the whole time I was playing that I should be working rather than playing. Now, when I play the Sims or NetHack, I completely forget about everything else I have to do, and I'm able to simply enjoy the game.

Also there's this online persona I've been developing. When I started this diary, I updated it like once a month and didn't really write anything in it. But now I've been revealing frighteningly more and more about myself, and I'm more and more concerned with how many people read what I write and whether they sign my guestbook and whether I should sign up for SuperGold to get comments and crap like that. A couple weeks ago I realized that I had been frequenting message boards and making plans to meet people at Pearl Jam concerts next year, and I suddenly realized how psycho and common I had become.

One of my friends at school escapes through music. Not necessarily listening to music, but buying music. One month she spent $1000 on CDs and records. In high school, no matter how busy or tired I was, I still played the piano for an hour or two every day, and I guess that was a sort of escape for me.

And then there are these books that I supposedly want to write. The same friend at school is also writing a book. I wonder if this is just a nother escape mechanism? Maybe that's why there are so many crappy books that get published. In trying to escape from the ugly reality of their lives, everyone becomes an aspiring writer, making up new people with new lives that they can manipulate and live vicariously through.

Blah blah blah, etc. There's no point to this.

I wonder how much it would cost me to buy a freptology thesis that I could turn in as my own? What's the going rate? $50?

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