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A moment of reflection on yesteryear
Monday, April 15, 2002 - 14:51


I've kept a journal since April 1992, but since I'm such a bad journalkeeper, I had to go up to 1999 to find an entry that I'd written on April 15. So here it is:

Thursday, April 15, 1999 23:28
I haven't written anything in here in a long time. This ... ? [I started to write something, but then forgot what I was going to say.] I took a class about Beethoven in January. It was great. Awesome. Very inspiring and liberating. Hence, January 20*. I've been bogged down again. But not as bogged as before.

Our cat's name is [Miss Kitty]. I'm toilet training her.

I hate our apartment and want to move. This place is too small. The kitchen totally sucks.

...[two paragraphs omitted]...

Mr. Pooh bought a laptop. $1400 [which at the time was more than one-tenth our combined gross annual income]. That crazy motherfucker has 8 jobs.

...[one paragraph addressed to my journal in which I update it on the states of the lives of my friends from high school omitted]...

I now have a web page. I started it in February. Dear journal, do you know I've been reading Justin Hall's pages for a couple years? I have. [The original journal entry didn't have a hyperlink, because it's just plain old paper, and you can't really make a hyperlink on paper. Also, in five months I would be starting this fabulous secret online diary!] ...

Classes? Aerobics is fun. Art is fun but I suck. NAIL is interesting, low key, I don't do the readings ... [more about freptology classes] ... It is tough, challenging, makes me tired, I don't do the readings, I'm incompetant, I'm obtuse, I don't really thinks there's ... [It doesn't really matter what I don't really thinks, I just wanted to include this sentence here because of its grammatical brilliance.]

No German this semester. Last semester drove me over the edge.

We're starting to look at grad schools. GRE. Find out. Applications. Think. Work.

I need a job!

I knew that I hated school three years ago. I wish I could go back in time and tell my poor little young self to not find out about the GRE, because it has only led to misery. (Not really, but, you know.)

* Referring to an entry scrawled in a notebook during a rare moment of confidence and freedom in the middle of class one day, which I pasted into my journal, in which I said, "Now I can do anything, and I feel I can do anything, and I want to do anything. And I will do whatever I want." Awww...

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