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Links, school news, dead rat
Monday, October 1, 2001 x 3 - 21:21

I stumbled upon Toothbrush's diary quite by accident today, and I really enjoy it. And that got me thinking. How many diaries are there on dairyland, do you think? I'd say close to a trillion. How many of those diaries are enjoyable? Probably an eighth. (The rest have either been abandoned or are inhabited by self-absorbed lameasses. Mine belongs to this category, but that's okay by me, because I don't have to read it.) What's one trillion divided by eight? Umm, one trillion eighths. So there are a trillion eighths of enjoyable diaries out there!!! OMG, get reading folks!!!

So no one's complained that this diary looks screwed up to them except me, so I'm just going to pretend that I never saw hiragana on it at all. (If you're wondering, the characters were ri and o.) No one's even said they can see anything except Snowy, so I'm just going to assume that everyone else just sees a blank page when they come here. That's kind of a relief, because my entries have gotten embarassing lately.

News from school: Mr. Knowitall is in ALL OF MY GODDAMN CLASSES THIS QUARTER AGAIN! I hate him. He's so furking annoying. And the pompous ass who didn't break his foot sucking his own dick has now hurt his knee. I'm guessing he was trying to suck his own dick and fell off the bed again, this time hurting his knee instead of not breaking his foot. He's in two of my classes, as is the Slurper.

I saw a dead rat today. There were ants around it. I was scared and I thought it was really icky, but I stared at it anyway.

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