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I hate thinking up titles for entries
Tuesday, September 4, 2001 - 12:23

This morning I had cramps so bad all I could do was writhe around in sweaty pain, moaning in agony and praying for relief for 45 minutes. And I got to thinking, since I was in such fierce pain that was not life threatening, how much it would suck to be in life threatening pain. And there are people everywhere that are. And that sucks. And they should be able to at least smoke pot if they want to. And they should be able to die if they want to.

I was kind of mad that I was all sweaty, because I had just gotten out of the shower and washed off the sweat from yesterday. I was going to get in the shower again to wash off my new stink, but I took a nap instead.

Yesterday was an exciting day. I stayed in bed most of the day watching Emergency Vets on Animal Planet. I don't know why I watch that show, because there's always something sad that happens. I shouldn't let Miss Kitty watch it either, but it's her favorite show.

Last night we went to see American Pie 2. It was dumb. It wasn't that funny. It was too forced. There were too many things that they did to parallel the first movie. I give it a resounding two thumbs down.

I'm going to go over to school now and tell them that I'm wussing out of TAing and that I'm quitting after this year. If they don't like that, I'll tell them to stick it up their ass, and then I'll say a la Will Ferrell: "Fuck this, I'm leaving!" And I'll knock a table over or something and I'll storm out.

p.s. Seriously, Miss Kitty is one of the cutest, funniest, and smartest cats. I love her.

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