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Wensday, March 21, 2001 - 16:27

Okay, I'm sick of that pseudonym crap. You don't have to call me Cleodore anymore. It was fun while it lasted though.

My cat Miss Kitty is so polite. When she's thirsty she jumps up on the sink and politely says "Mau". Then she'll wait for a few minutes, and if no one's turned on the faucet for her, she'll politely yell "Mau" again. She hasn't always been so polite. She used to yell "Mau, mau, mau? Mau? MAU. MAU. MAU! MAU!" Then we would think that she had to go to the bathroom and we'd chase her around and make her get on the toilet, even though she didn't have to go.

I've never told you that Miss Kitty is toilet trained. She is. She's very talented.

She usually meows like a normal cat, but when she wants something, she maus.

Random Pearl Jam lyric: I was alone and far away when I heard the band start playing.

Emoticon of the day: :O

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