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Tuesday, Jan. 03, 2012 - 18:07

You know the timeline profiles on Facebook? Not sure I get it - I find them hard to look at. Seems boring. Also, you know how all these people are suddenly using question marks all over the place? I blame Dan Savage. The sex columnist? Even if it's not his fault.

My houseguest is leaving tomorrow, first thing, he says. I didn't need to worry about cleaning up all signs of him - he did that himself today. I came home to quite the empty living room tonight. I'll do laundry and cry my brains out tomorrow night.

Today at work instead of working I wrote him three pages, front and back. I can't make sense of it still - I know I am dense, but it still boggles my feeble little mind to think back to how we were when we first met and here we are now. It's hard to make sense of. Writing what I wrote today helped me get a little perspective, I think.

Last year - maybe I already wrote this - in Sydney, I went to those places where we spent time together and I was surprise to find how little I recognized it all, it seemed so long ago. But then again, it seems like certain things just happened the other day - riding in his car, holding hands, listening to a song, he played that little guitar part with my hand in his - I always think of that when I hear that song.

(Tomorrow I'd like to turn into a different person for a few months, so I won't have to deal with it. Jesus, I really don't know how I will.)

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